The Malice Of Unnatural Death (2007) - Plot & Excerpts
Well, if you like murders by necromancy, this is for you.Again, this is a genuine case. There was an attempt to kill the King and his friends by use of sorcery. A known performer of the magical arts was hired to shape wax into the likeness of the King and the other victims, and to try to use sorcery to kill them. Of course, as soon as I heard of this, I was forced to start researching the history. The court records exist still, and the story of John of Nottingham is there, if you wish to look. For me, it was just a fascinating insight into not only medieval times, but more recent ones too.For we all know, don't we, that making wax idols and sticking pins in them comes from the Voodoo rites? Except they don't. Over-zealous missionaries trying to convert slaves to Christianity wanted funding to go and preach to the heathens, and needed to show how necessary was their task. They wanted money - so they began a campaign of disinformation, telling people in England how the heathens resorted to witchcraft and sorcery, even performing magic with waxen images, just like the witches were known to do across Europe! Yes, the whole idea was a medieval one that was exported to Voodoo by missionaries!
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