Published by One Fine Day Reading 2013 Edward Chilvers asserts his right to be identified as the author of this work
[email protected] By the Same Author The Shallow Valleys Perished The Executioner’s Apprentice The Executioner’s Apprentice: The Siege To the Land of the Vertical Mountains From a very young age Dr Harley Huxtable had been convinced he was destined for greatness. He had been a strange child, one devoted to his studies and making no friends, completely uninterested in sport or the play of other children. Much of the time he had appeared lost in a world completely of his own making, either reading avidly or wandering up and down the grass concourse of his boarding school muttering inaudibly to himself, his daydreams such that not even the most vicious of bullies could rouse him from his musings. At school he had been brilliant, at university he was hailed a genius and by the time he became Professor of advanced matter physics at one of the greatest universities of the world he was considered a great man.