Lela is trying to be in the Christmas spirit but her favorite granddaughter is not coming for their annual Christmas visit. Her friend accuses Lela of being negative. But Lela is worried about her granddaughter and the break-ins around her neighborhood and the kid down the street. A friend asks Lela to make a quilt for the angel tree but Lela doesn't want to do that. Instead she starts a quilt that follows the story of Mary as Mary started her life as the mother of Jesus. I picked this up hoping to motivate myself to quilt again. I have always believed that truth is truth no matter where you find it, whether in your own religion or in others. This book is more about letting go of small petty hurts and about not jumping to conclusions. I loved the allegory of the motifs on the quilt to the life of the Virgin Mary. I really would have liked the main character to have done more for her own pregnant daughter as she did for the stranger across the street.
This was just what I needed to get me out of my Christmas funk!
Ugggg. Got it as a stocking stuffer. 'nuff said.
Just wasn't my style
It was an ok book
just ok