“Grunthor, will you consider doing me two important favors, please?” The giant’s amber eyes twinkled affectionately. “O’ course, Duchess—you ought to know by now Oi’d do anything for you.” Her eyes sparkled warmly in return. “I do, but my mother always told me it was polite to ask, even if you already know the answer. Do you suppose you could make certain that the troops are not marching past my door this evening, singing grotesque cadences? Dearly as I enjoy hearing them on most occasions, tonight I need to speak with my son, and it’s important that we are not interrupted.” “Good as done, Yer Ladyship.” “Thank you.” The Sergeant-Major nodded. “An’ the second?” Rhapsody’s smile dimmed, and her face grew serious. “Would you do Ashe and me the honor of being Meridion’s godfather?” Grunthor blinked. “Godfather?” “Yes.” A look of surpassing seriousness, and something more, crossed the Sergeant’s face. “Not sure what that means, Duchess.”