The Misfortunes Of Others (2012) - Plot & Excerpts
Snooky said when he returned home. He sat down in a chair in Bernard’s study and stretched out his long legs. Bernard looked up from his desk hopefully. “Did you find out anything?” “Why yes, yes I did, Bernard. I found out that your little idea traumatized one of the students and totally disrupted the class. Weezy hates your guts and probably mine, too, through association.” Bernard was silent, toying with a pencil. “What happened?” Snooky recounted the events of the afternoon. When he was finished, Bernard hunkered back into his leather chair, leaned back to look at the ceiling, and scribbled absently on a notepad. He stood up and went to look out the window. “I feel bad,” he said. “Who doesn’t?” There was a pause. “It’s interesting, though, about the girl Alice. Interesting.” “Weezy didn’t think so. She chewed me out afterwards, and told me to tell you she’s coming over later to chew you out.” “Oh, good,” Bernard said heavily. “Good, good, good, good, good.”
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