What did Henri tell you? Never mind—I’m sure I can guess. Yes, I’m taking notes. No, I haven’t really thought about why. I enjoy the game of keeping it straight. One sees a pattern after a while. I can guess about half the time where the story will go, who will die, who will live, et cetera. It keeps me occupied. Why do you think Henri told me about the soap operas? the psychologist asked. Because we’re not fucking as much anymore, Soledad said, but then she apologized for her language. I’m drawing away from him. I feel it as much as he does. The sex has gotten boring. The soaps, they’re not terribly exciting, but there’s brainpower involved: Robert killed Madeline, who was sleeping with Joseph, who was Robert’s bastard son…I enjoy how deep the story runs. There’s an interconnectedness that’s unavoidable. The psychologist asked her to explain further. For instance, did she think there was a disconnectedness in her own life that led to her fascination with As the World Turns?
What do You think about The Mortifications (2016)?