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Read The Mystery Of The Velvet Gown (1980)

The Mystery of the Velvet Gown (1980)

Online Book

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0307215504 (ISBN13: 9780307215505)
golden books

The Mystery Of The Velvet Gown (1980) - Plot & Excerpts

For Christmas one year, my parents grabbed me the entire Trixie Belden set and I couldn't put them down. After I finished with them, they continued to purchase them as quickly as I could read them. Even with a learning disability, I devoured the books. I look back now and I find that Trixie Belden was much more age related to young girls, particularly to me, reading the books than Nancy Drew. There was something in these books that I found to be a greater escape than I did ND, too. I found that they weren't so "over the top" or dated. I will be doing the same thing with my granddaughters, if and when I have them, even if I have to stalk every used bookstore to get them. It was around this book that I started to lose my interest in Trixie Belden. I was soon to be 14, so my reading likes went more to high school character books. TB didn't really grow up per se.

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