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Read The Mystery Off Glen Road (2004)

The Mystery Off Glen Road (2004)

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0375827404 (ISBN13: 9780375827402)
random house books for young readers

The Mystery Off Glen Road (2004) - Plot & Excerpts

Trixie and Honey begin working as game wardens on the Wheeler estate when the old game warden quits. They suspect there's a poacher at large, but when they find a dead deer deep in the forest with Reddy and Patch, the two dogs sniffing it, they wonder if the dogs had killed the deer. A wild wind storm has blown over lots of tress, and the recently roofed Bob-White clubhouse has been damaged, and Brian has had to use the fifty dollars he was going to buy a jalopy with to buy roofing materials. Trixie gives the diamond ring that Jim had given her to Mr. Lytell to hold the car until they get paid for their warden duties. Turns out that the poacher is Mr. Maypenny, a man who's lived in the woods for decades and who owns twenty acres that he has refused to sell to Mr. Wheeler. Thus, no real criminal in this book, and Mr. Maypenny takes the job of game warden. The book ends just after Thanksgiving with a big dump of snow. Next book is set in Arizona at Christmas time.

Trixie Belden and the Happy Valley Mystery is book number nine in the Trixie Belden mystery series. Trixie Belden and Honey Wheeler are best friends, horse lovers, and detectives who always seem to accidentally find a mystery waiting to be solved. In this book, the pair find themselves as gamekeepers for Honey's dad and they have a suspicion that a dangerous poacher is on the game preserve.I love the Trixie Belden Mystery Series because it combines two of my favorite things - - horses and mystery!

What do You think about The Mystery Off Glen Road (2004)?

Lydz wrote: "I loved the Trixie Belden series when I was young! I trawled second hand shops trying to collect the whole set! Great books"i really like this series. what i don't like is that i can't get the 21 book. i am going to a book store today to find it.

I love this one because of all the character development. In fact I love it so much I wrote a fanfic piece set during the events of the story, from Ben Riker's POV.

Big storms blow a tree over on top of the Bob White Clubhouse. Brian spends the $50 he was going to use to buy Mr. Lytell's jalopy to buy repair materials instead. Trixie pretends to be in lurve with Honey's cousin Ben so her dad will get her diamond ring out of the safe deposit box so she can give the ring to Mr. Lytell as security on the jalopy until she and the other kids can make $50 being gamekeepers on the Wheeler estate... kind of like a low-rent Gift of the Magi.Oh, and there's the whole subplot of Trixie and Honey thinking there's a unicycle-riding poacher operating in the Wheeler game preserve. Yeah.On another topic, I love how in these early books Trixie has to take care of Bobby so Mrs. Belden can have a break. It's like if someone doesn't take Bobby off her hands, she'll snap and start throwing the contents of her canning pantry at everyone.

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