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Read The Night She Got Lucky (2010)

The Night She Got Lucky (2010)

Online Book

3.7 of 5 Votes: 3
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0312366051 (ISBN13: 9780312366056)
St. Martin's Paperbacks

The Night She Got Lucky (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

****SPOILER ALERT***This book was an okay read. I liked that it was about a woman-40 years of age with a set of teen age boy twins. In the beginning, I must admit that I was kind of turned off by a few things that I was reading but in the end it was an okay read.Geneveve, auburn hair, tall, slender and 40 yrs old was married to her college sweetheart Larry who is now a Urologist. Their marriage did not last due to his love for younger females and fast cars. So they split up. He did a doozie on Ginger as she is referred to in the book due to her stunning resemblance of Ginger on Gilligans Island. He really made her feel like she needed a face lift and a new body and a younger look. Her self esteem went shooting out the door. Then as fate would have it she meets young, and attractive Lucio better known as Lucky in the book. Well he's not that young, he's 38 which is great ha! He bumps into her at her friends wedding and it was an odd way to meet someone. Her dress was size 4 but she was actually a size 6, but she squeezed into the dress regardless. As she came out of Mrs. Needlemans room, she fainted from her dress squeezing the living bajezzies out of her and Lucky caught her before the fall and took her to her room, laid her on the bed and gave her a peck on her cheek. She wakes up and screams as if he did something terrible to her, when indeed he didn't. The story was a good read because things unfold in the end. Lucky was known as a famous photographer traveling the world to capture beautiful pictures and at the same time seeing and leaving beautiful women. A heart breaker in other words.Ginger and Lucky get together but the ending has a nice twist which made this book an okay read for me. Find out what twists happen to Ginger and Lucky. I didn't dislike this book but I am finding that this series of books lacks the magic of He Loves Lucy and The Kept Woman.They were my first books with Susan Donovan but I havent liked any of her others as much as I did those 2.I think maybe its the plot of a group of dog walkers who happen to be best friends, who hate men then start to find love one by one.Also the women are older than what I am used to from this genre of books.Now I am not saying I hated it, it was a nice easy light hearted easy. Not taxing on the brain at all. It also had some really funny dialogue at times and I did have to stop myself on laughing out loud when at work.My real issue was that there was no relationship/friendship lead up for the sex, it started pretty much straight away, and then instantly they were "in love". The love scenes were definately hot and you felt the chemistry between the 2 main characters.But the story did not flow as well as some of her previous books and I didnt have the uncontrollable urge to keep on reading until it was finished.I am not sure I will be getting the next in the series unfortunately. But as soon as her older books come out for the Kindle in the UK I will be buying them.

What do You think about The Night She Got Lucky (2010)?

I liked this book but it was a slow go and couldn't get into it. I didn't finish the book.

What a strange story. I didn't really relate to it but it wasn't a bad read. Onto book 3!

So cute. Such a nice story.

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