The Nightmare Stacks: A Laundry Files Novel - Plot & Excerpts
The information content of which can be quite handily nutritious to an eater because, well, that’s what they live on. An eater without a body is relatively harmless as long as your brain is warded, or the eater is surrounded by a secure containment grid, or otherwise occupied by another eater. An eater with a body is a self-propelled viral infection with contagion by touch, zero incubation time, and a 100 percent lethal effect on the personality of anyone unfortunate enough to be tagged. With a couple of exceptions: being tagged by an eater is harmless if you’re host to a different kind of high-level informational predator – the Eater of Souls, say, or the V-symbionts that cause PHANG syndrome, or whatever bizarre construct the elite of the empire inoculate their minds with. Their touch still stings like a wasp, though, and an eater can do real damage if it’s trying to tag you using the teeth of a great big German shepherd guard dog with luminous green-glowing worms in its eyes and an even worse attitude than usual.
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