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Read The Prize (1991)

The Prize (1991)

Online Book

3.15 of 5 Votes: 3
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0671702513 (ISBN13: 9780671702519)
pocket books

The Prize (1991) - Plot & Excerpts

Aku sukaaaaaaaaaaaaa buku ini..... relieved after baca buku gak jelas dengan hero gak jelas...kali ini sodara2...Hero nya beneran...heroine nya beneran adorable.... Once upon a time, waktu jaman tahun 1066 saat perang Saxon dan Norman, Lady Nicolaa ternyata jadi legenda dan kisah nya di ceritakan di seluruh penjuru Inggris...Sehebat apa ya si Lady Nicolaa ini....Yuk kita simak cerita nya... Lady Nicolaa kecil2 mematikan, dengan ketapel nya yang hebat dia berhasil melumpuhkan 3 orang komandan Norman yang saat itu menduduki Inggris dan membuat Royce, komandan pertama Raja William yg saat itu jadi Raja Inggris asal Normandia,penasaran dan ....berhasil juga di buat benjol dan luka oleh Nicolaa yg hebat itu...Royce juga datang ke kastil Nicolaa dengan misi membawa Nicolaa ke hadapan Raja buat di jadikan "The Prize", hadiah bagi ksatria yang memenangkan pertarungan sampai mati untuk menikahi sang legenda....wohooohoho...hebat sekali ternyata Nicolaa ini sampai Raja terkagum2.... Sempat tertipu oleh Nicolaa,yang menyamar jadi Daniella, biarawati,kembaran Nicolaa...Royce sempat gak enak hati karena napsu liat biarawati yang cantik itu. Nicolaa ternyata juga naksir berat sama Royce yang mukanya banyak luka dan codet memanjang di wajahnya...yg dilihat Nicolaa cuma mata abu2 Royce yang indah...ehem..ehem....Kayaknya love at first sight niiiih........ Nicola mengasuh keponakannya Ulrich yang sangat di cintai nya, dan terkagum2 melihat keluwesan Royce menghadapi si bayi....Dalam perjalanan ke London, Nicolaa yang brandalan berusaha kabur beberapa kali (4 kali tepatnya) yang membuat Royce kewalahan....tapiiii...yang sangat unyu dan membuat aku terkesan adalah, saat itupun Royce sudah protektif banget sama Nicolaa, dan Nicolaa selalu tidur snuggling di pangkuan Royce gituuuuuuu....aaaaauuuuuuuuu...mauuuuuuuuu Sampai di London, semuaaaaaaaa prajurit dan ksatria Raja terpana melihat kecantikan Nicolaa, cuma Royce aja yang pura2 cuek (padahal sih hati nya mendamba,dan gak tahan buat meninju orang yang deket2 Nicolaa)....Istri Raja William, tau banget waktu bicara sama Nicolaa kalo Nicolaa jatuh cinta sama Royce, dari reaksi Nicolaa terhadap Royce, trus bisik2 lah si Ratu dan Raja...gak usahlah ksatria itu bertarung, biar aja Nicolaa yang memilih sendiri pengantin nya.... Mulailah saat2 mendebarkan Nicolaa memilih suami , Baron Guy yg sok kegantengan yakin banget kalo dia bakal di pilih, tapi dengan cuek nya si Nicolaa jalan lurus ke Royce dan bilang ke Royce ...skakmat ! hahaha...mereka punya stori soal main catur ini, yg gak bisa di ceritain disini ya....Guy yg gak mau terima, nanya kenapa dia milih Royce, padahal kan dia "perfect"....trus apa kata Nicolaa? "Boys has perfection, I choose a MAN" ... hahahahhaha ....pucat lah si Guy, rasain, biarpun Royce gak "cantik" tapi Nicolaa jelas tergila2 sama Royce....Biarpun saling naksir (diam2), jangan dikira malam pertama mereka berlangsung dengan baik....lamaaaa setelah sebulan baru mereka uhuk2 lho..hebat banget si Royce nahan his lust ke istri nya...sebetulnya nyesel juga sih si Royce soalnya dia janji kalo tangan Nicolaa yg terbakar (karena nolong ponakan Ratu) sudah sembuh baru mereka uhuk2...padahal malam pertama mereka menikah, Nicolaa yg ada di bawah pengaruh obat tidur tengkurep di atas dada Royce.....ahhahha..kebayang klan "resah" nya Royce selama itu.... Ada juga usaha percobaan pembunuhan terhadap Royce yg bikin Nicolaa stress berat....Singkat cerita, sampailah mereka di castle Nicolaa yg diakui Royce sebagai castle dia, bikin Nicolaa gondok, tapi gak bisa apa2, apalagi kebiasaan Royce yang suka sekali "lecturing", ceramah ke Nicolaa....nah disini banyak sekali dialog dan kalimat2 lucu yg bikin senyum2 sendiri (yg harus di baca sendiri ya....) Justin adik Nicolaa yg tadinya putus asa, juga jadi prajurit Royce yang setia , sampai gerombolan pengacau anak buah Baron Guy datang ,Morgan dan Henry, yg saat memberitahu undangan raja,sempat melempar biji catur kesayangan Nicolaa yg di ukir alm ayahnya, yg membuat Royce ngamuk berat dan membuat Royce menyerang, ngamuk dan melempar Morgan sampai tembok kayu sementara mereka bolong karena lemparan Royce..Nicola cuma bilang, terimakasih buat jendela nya,suamiku, jd ada udara segar sekarang... Padahal saat itu dia udah kesel banget dan udah nyiapin ketapel buat membidik Morgan dan Henry....untung ketauan sama Royce...lumayan juga sih di hibur Royce dengan uhuk2 di siang hari..... Hm,bicara soal uhuk2 pasangan ini lumayan hot juga sih hihihihihi.....sampai Lawrence (tangan kanan Royce yg ganteng) tersipu sendiri waktu mereka mau uhuk2 dengan jendela terbuka wkwkkwkwkkwkwSampai di London, ada intrik mematikan yg akhir nya membuat Royce akhir nya mau ngaku kalo dia emang cinta sama Nicolaa dan gak bisa hidup tanpa Nicolaa....unyu sekali nih disini...apalagi Nicola kembali jadi legenda after menyelamatkan nyawa raja....sigh Recommended banget nih...baca sendiri deh buat tau seperti apa kisah mereka dan seperti apa Royce,suami terunyu' sedunia saat itu.....pasti jatuh cinta, just like me APPENDIX :Ada saat2 terunyu yang aku suka yg aku mau share disini :- Waktu after ML, Royce bangun malem2 cuma mau buat biji catur di bantu Justin sampe tangannya luka2...- Saat Nicolaa bilang ke Justin kalo dia cinta Royce dan Royce cinta dia, sampe akhirnya Royce gak malu2 lagi bilang cinta, abis itu..langsung deh...uhuk2 ihik2 ihihihihihii- saat Nicolaa berusaha mematuhi rule number 3 , gak boleh nangis, tapi selalu gagal, dan diem2 nangis, entah nangis kesel,entah nagis bahagia- Saat Royce kangen sama Nicholaa yg bandel waktu Nicholaa berusaha jd istri yg baik dan selalu tersenyum,- Saat Royce kangen menceramahi Nicolaa....Pokoknya seru...aku suka banget pasangan ini

One word to describe this book would be "Checkmate", for it captured me, heart and soul!Julie Garwood gets another big 5 star rating from me for this book. There are just some authors out there who have a gift to be able to put their pen to paper and create such perfectly splendid heroes and heroines. I have never met a Garwood hero or heroine that I did not like and Royce and Nicholaa from The Prize are no exception!This story has some factual parts to it as it takes place in England in the year 1066 when King William (The Conqueror) and his Norman warriors had invaded England and were suppressing the Saxons in what was called the Norman Conquest. Most of England submitted to the Norman rule but there were still some resisters in the North. The King sent his warriors to defeat the rebels and this is where our fictional story begins.Nicholaa had been left to defend her family's home against the Norman invaders. Both of her brothers were warriors fighting against them. She was also left in charge of her older brothers' baby. Then her younger brother Justin, was injured in battle and so Nicholaa was caring for him also. But Nicholaa was very clever and could easily handle caring for a baby and her injured brother and defending their home against attack. She and her small group of protectors that she was in charge of had already defeated two groups of Norman warriors and were prepared to come up against a third when the unthinkable happened. Nicholaa was tricked and captured! The King had sent his best baron warrior, Royce, to capture The Prize, the lady who had defeated the others and wanted the baron to bring her back so he could offer her as a bride to the most deserving Knight.The King thought that Nicholaa was such a special prize that he allowed her to choose her husband, picking from the most worthy and noble soldiers. This is when one of my favorite moments from the book happens: Nicholaa and Royce had spent a great deal of time together and had already figured out that they did not get along and really were not too fond of each other. Although in Royce's mind he could not picture anyone but himself with her and in Nicholaa's mind he really did have a very gentle and sweet side to him. But, Royce had dragged her away from her home and family and decided that if she had to suffer then Royce would to! She made her decision and starting walking across the room to the man she had chosen as her husband. Her attention was solely directed on one man. Royce. He was leaning against the far wall, looking very bored, almost sleepy. But he was staring at her. The closer she got, the more worried he looked. She tried not to smile... Lord, it was a fine moment. Nicholaa continued to move through the crowd until she reached Royce. When she was just a foot away from him, she stopped. She didn't say a word, just looked up at him for the longest while. He couldn't believe she was standing there. He shook his head. She nodded. "Royce?" she said his name in a whisper, but he heard it all the same. "Yes, Nicholaa?" Her smile captivated him. She motioned for him to come closer. And then she stretched up on tiptoes and whispered into his ear. "Checkmate."Oh, that was such a wonderful part of the story!!After selecting her husband the book focuses on their marriage and the job Royce now had of taking over her family's household, which was full of people skeptical of this Norman, including her injured brother. I loved watching as Royce and Nicholaa fell in love and learned what it meant to give and take in a relationship. I loved how they each had different ideas of what marriage should be like and tried to make the other one bend to his/her idea but in the end they both compromised! I loved that Royce was a scarred hero, in the literal sense, and Nicholaa thought he was the most handsome man she had ever seen. She never saw his scars, just the man he was inside. I loved that Nicholaa was always up to something and Royce was always trying to figure out just what she was up to. This book was very sweet and full of very memorable characters and moments. I wish Julie Garwood had written a story for Nicholaa's brother Justin. He was a character that we saw a lot of growth in and he turned into a very nice young man and overcame a lot of obstacles. I would really love a story for him!I recommend this book to every historical romance lover and even those who have not read any historical romances, this might be the one to get you hooked! Checkmate.

What do You think about The Prize (1991)?

Every one in a while I decide to give a new chance to Julie Garwood and I try to focus only on her bests. I'm nonetheless usually disappointed and this book will not help me change my mind.It's quite typical Garwood: there's a young and childish bride who played a few tricks, some of them rather wise but many quite stupid. The hero is a big warrior much older and not too talkative. The plot was ok, though there was nothing enthralling in it. Honestly not much really happened and all was very predictible. I appreciated that there was less humor then usual in this book, as it usually fell flat for me. It was not enough, as the rest of the book was even blander than usual.

Once again, Julie Garwood delivers a heartwarming, humorous, and delightfully romantic tale.  What I liked most about this book was Royce's character (he's not one Garwood's prototypical hero) and the relationship between him and the heroine, Nicholla. Royce is a hero to adore. He may not be extremely good-looking, with a badly scarred face, but he has the perfect combination of alpha and beta characteristics. He's powerful, driven, and a true leader; but he also possess a strong benevolent side that makes him one of the most charming, endearing, and truly swoon worthy heroes Julie Garwood has created.Royce's and Nicholla's relationship is fabulous. Both characters are open, honest, and even blunt about their feelings (once they recognized them, of course). It was refreshing not to have all the added drama and misunderstandings that comes from a lack of communication.            I also enjoyed the subplot involving Nicholla's brother Justin. His story enriched the plot and brought to the book some of it more endearing moments. The Prize is a wonderful, feel-good romance you'll be happy to have read. You can't beat Julie Garwood. She's one of the best!
—Kristen (Peddler of Smut)

I must be in the minority after reading all the rave reviews. I would give this 2.5 stars. Though it was a quick read, it somehow lacked the depth relative to her other novels. It was a little too lighthearted and I found that both the H and h were not very exciting. Typical Garwood has always had a lot more tension, great character depth and riveting plotlines. I couldn't put this at the same level as Ransom, Bride and Honor's Splendour. If you are new to Garwood, I would recommend starting with her other novels.

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