Avoiding all other attempts to delay them, the woman hustled Belle across the room. Dusty and Paupin rose, following the women into Cornwall’s office where Lucienne sent the second to collect some of the gear deliberately forgotten on helping Belle from the ring. “How’d you feel, Belle?” Dusty asked as the girl sank exhaustedly into a chair at the desk and Lucienne closed the door behind the second. “Not good,” Belle admitted and winced as she touched her ribs. “I don’t think anything’s broken, though.” “Get your blouse and skirt on, Belle!” ordered Lucienne, bolting the door. Then she gathered the remainder of the girl’s property from where it lay on the desk and Went on, “I want to get out of here.” “Belle needs time to get over that fight,” Dusty objected. “Only we don’t have time to let her,” Lucienne pointed out. “Look, Dusty, Cornwall can’t just pull out and leave those officers.