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Read The Resurrection Of Josephine

The Resurrection of Josephine

Online Book

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Resplendence Publishing, LLC

The Resurrection Of Josephine - Plot & Excerpts

She died when she was eighty-two years old, leaving him to expect doilies on every wood surface and plastic on all the furniture. Instead, he saw bright colored sofas and chairs with a slight covering of dust, and beautiful prints featuring travel destinations. There wasn't a fake flower or collection of chintzy knickknacks in sight.
    "Tell me about your grandmother.” He turned to Rumer, who smiled brightly before she cleared her throat to answer.
    Yeah, baby, I remember the great sex, too. He winked, smiling at the blush that rose on her cheeks.
    "Lola was a character. She traveled a lot, and couldn't stand to sit and do nothing. She had to be on the go, from the time she got up until the time she went to bed. That's why it surprised me when she died, she seemed so healthy and active." Noah came in from the kitchen and handed her a cup of water, then sat down. “She had great checkups, which just goes to prove, you never know when your time's up." Martin chuckled.

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