That's absurd!" So exclaimed the eminent naval historian Dr. Lawrence Webb aboard the Hyperion, team leader of the academic contingent. He was already reeling from my order to restrict academic access before anyone other than Sanjay had been aboard. The idea of an engineer revealing a major discovery rather than a scholar sent Webb over the edge. "First, we have the commission records. Second, we have the telescope footage. With all due respect, Janet, you're an engineer, not a historian." "I know how to interpret technical data. Your views are at odds with everything we've seen on that ship," she responded. "Your whole argument hinges on the commission's work," I interrupted. "We already know that the telescope footage didn't exist, and the commission had far less information than we do right now. She's right, that ship was set to decompress!" "You're indulging in conspiracy theory," Webb said dismissively.