Who’s your favorite character and why? 2. Which character is most like you? 3. Which character most surprised you? 4. Do you think that Lydia will eventually move back to the Lowcountry? Why or why not? 5. Do you have a longtime BFF from whom you’ve kept a big secret, or whom you think is keeping a big secret from you? Has it affected your friendship? 6. What did you think was the funniest scene? The most poignant? 7. Can you identify with the fears and insecurities of these characters, such as Julia’s many phobias, Lydia’s need to take care of people, Liz’s free spirit, and Sonya’s low self-esteem? 8. Have you tried any of the Carolina Kit recipes? Are you familiar with Lowcountry cooking? Do you have a favorite recipe? 9. Did the ending surprise you? Would you have preferred if a different character had died?