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Read The Scottish Bride (2001)

The Scottish Bride (2001)

Online Book

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0515129933 (ISBN13: 9780515129939)

The Scottish Bride (2001) - Plot & Excerpts

kali ini bercerita ttg Tysen Sherbrooke, is a dour vicar and a widower with three children who arrives in Scotland after inheriting a barony and a castle.kedatangan tysen tidak begitu disambut dengan tangan terbuka oleh warganya mengingat tysen adl orang inggris apalagi bangsawan yg terkenal "tidak menyenangkan"tysen harus mampu menarik hati orang2nya.baru aja datang tysen harus menyelamatkan Mary Rose dari seorang pria lokal yg ingin memperistri mary rose tp dengan cara paksa bahkan dengan nge rape sekalipun.dengan menyelamatkan mary rose tysen lagi2 dapat musuh baru deh tp itu tidak membuat tysen putus asa.tysen tadinya ingin pergi ke scotland sendiri dulu karna dia belum tau suasananya tp ternyata putri sulungnya, meggie, tanpa sepengetahuannya ikut dengan menyamar sbg pelayan. tp dengan ikutnya meggie setidaknya tysen tidak sendirian menghadapi segerombolan orang asing.meggie spt sinjun waktu kecil. cerdas & cerdik. tidak ada yg luput dr pengawasan meggie. meggie pun ikut membantu ayahnya menciptakan rumah baru bagi keluarga mereka.oh di novel ini akan nongol para sherbrooke yg lain bahkan sinjun yg sudah menikah dgn orang scotland pun sempat mengunjungi tysen.setelah menyelamatkan mary rose & mengetahui masalah yg sebenarnya tysen berusaha menolong mary rose serta ibunya untuk keluar dari masalah. (benar ga ya mary rose punya ibu xixixixixi lupa2 ingat)pertolongan itu membawa tysen & mary rose menjadi dekat.keluarga sherbrooke jadi agak was2 takut tysen terluka lagi mengingat masa lalu tysen dengan pria yg pernah menikah dengan wanita yg juga memiliki 2 nama (weleh aneh amat emang orang dengan 2 nama brarti sama sifatnya?? aneh2)yah ceritanya walo tidak secemerlang sherbrooke bride buku 1 tp masih tetap wajb diikuti donk. khan pengen tau kisah douglas, ryder, tysen & sinjun.

I'm normally not the one to like romantic books, and this one was a little hard to get into at first due to some of the old language, but overall this is a very good book and I could definitely see it turning into a movie if it's not one already. Good storyline, funny moments, serious moments, you finish the book feeling like you know the people. I'm glad I chose to read it. It's written third person from multiple perspectives. After English widower Pastor Tysen inherits a Scottish castle, he and his daughter help protect the community outcast Mary Rose from a potential rapist who knows a secret about her. An outcast himself among most of the Scots, Tysen falls in love with Mary Rose, and brings her back to his other two children in England as his bride, where the community and family try to adjust to the change in the Vicar's now positive personality.

What do You think about The Scottish Bride (2001)?

I loved this story the best. Tysen and Mary Rose's story was delightful. He is traditional and honorable. She is the shame of her family. I loved reading Tysen's point of view. His struggle as a vicar and a man was believable and added depth to their story. I liked them together. The author did a great job showing you how they got to know each other. You believed that they were compatible, and was able to enjoy it before the story ended. Sinjun and Colin were great in this novel as well. I look forward to reading about Meggie, the mischevious daughter next.
—Amy Sanders

A widower with 3 young children not marrying for 6 years? I’m not sure I believe it. - - Ok so he does not want to marry again. But it is not really for love of his late wife but because it appears he had a bad experience. And yet every time he thinks of Mary Rose he feels as though he is being disloyal. Tyson really just needs to spank his daughter good. Meggy is a very naughty little girl. How dare she put herself in danger by traveling with her father as a tiger (footman) when she was forbidden to go along? AHHHHH too many ghosts.

All the Sherbrooke clan are alive, well and in rip-roaring spirits in August of 1815. Two months after Napoleon's defeat the Waterloo, Tysen Sherbrooke, the youngest of the three brothers, now 31 year old, a vicar, widower, and father, Tysen Sherbrooke is unprepared for the courageous spitfire who comes into his life when he becomes a Scottish baron, Baron Barthwick of Kildrummy Castle in Scotland. Young red headed, Mary Rose Fordyce, 24, a bastard, but raised along with her mother in the mother of the local laird. And Tysen follows madly in love with her.

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