Unable to sleep, she’d tiptoed out of the house before anyone else was up. Dew glistened on blades of grass and birds twittered their greetings to the day as she strolled across the meadow, spotted with patches of yellow buffalo bean and tiny blue harebells. Emily felt content and full of excitement. She hoped she would find Geordie alone so she could talk to him. But that might not be so easy with his large family around and all the work they had to do.Once she’d transported herself into the past, Emily decided to go to the old homestead and follow the trail from there to the stone house. She dodged around the aspen stand, avoiding unnecessary steps. She wondered again if there was a way to come and go right at the new home place.As she approached the sod home, Emily heard voices and the clang of an axe chopping wood. By the time she reached the yard, she found the place full of activity. She watched from behind a sturdy caragana bush, trying to place each of the Elliott family members.George Senior, her great-grandfather, looked about the same, with his grey whiskers and hair, and his smiling eyes.
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