The Seventh Voyage Of Temperance (The Adventures Of Ichabod Temperance Book 7) - Plot & Excerpts
the Irrepressible March of Progress. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Miss Plumtartt!” “Thank you, Mr. Temperance, though in fact, today is not February fourteenth.” “No Ma’am, Miss Plumtartt Ma’am, but seeing as how we are on ‘Valentine Island’, I was thinking that everyday was Valentine’s Day, here. Actually, I guess every day is Valentine’s Day when I’m with you, Miss Plumtartt.” “I say, what a sweet sentiment, Mr. Temperance. Tell me, sir, do you know the reason this island has such an unusual moniker?” “Yes, Ma’am, it’s on account of being discovered on Valentine’s Day. The same way Easter Island was named for being discovered on Easter Sunday, so too was Valentine’s Island named for its date of discovery on a famous holiday.” “I note that this is not the only similarity between the two Pacific islands.”
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