She turned over and pulled her knees up and for a moment sank back into the muddy half-sleep she had been dragged from, but then it was hurting her in the small of the back, a regular hard thump of a pain.Then the noise, low at first, but growing louder, insistent in her ears.‘Maaaaam, Maaaammmm.’Hayley sat bolt upright.Now, the noise, which she realised was that of her own son saying her name angrily over and over again, ‘Maam, Maaam’, was joined by another.‘Jesus, Liam, pack it in, will you? What do you think you’re bloody playing at, banging me kidneys like that? Pack it IN.’Her head was banging too.She thought that it was not yet morning, then realised that the curtains were still pulled together.She sat for a few moments, trying to get her thoughts together, wondering why she felt so bad.‘Maaaam.’Hayley reached out and tried to swipe him but he dodged expertly away.Yes. Oh Christ.She’d put the kids to bed and they’d all gone to sleep straight off, but then the telly had packed up, like it often did, snow all over the screen and a sound like an electrical storm coming out of the speakers.
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