The Shattered Genesis (Eternity) - Plot & Excerpts
His arms wrapped around me and lifted my small body up. Then, he slammed me down hard on Violet's bed. Despite the thick padding between the two coverings, my back hit the hardwood floor beneath the bed. Do you remember how I described to you the feeling of one cornered? Well, when James pinned my arms above my head with one of his hands, I fought with that same desperate, mindless, intensity. I forgot the notion of suppressing my fear in order to avoid being seen as weak. I screamed and kicked him. I lunged forward, trying to sink my teeth down into his throat. Nothing, not even my best effort, could successfully subdue or even weaken him. He was hissing insults at me through his clenched teeth. If he was to be believed, I was both a female dog and a mental patient. Most disgustingly, he spat out a derogatory slang term for a woman's lower anatomy once or twice.
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