The Sheikh's Fiery Lover (The Tazeem Twins Series Book 2) - Plot & Excerpts
Rene had missed slouching on the couch and watching television. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. “Are you expecting anyone?” Rene asked Tanya. She was not in the mood to see anyone. Her hair was tied up in a high bun; she was wearing a long baggy t-shirt, shorts and fuzzy slippers. She wanted to grieve her relationship away from the world. “No,” Tanya said cautiously. She stood up and walked to the door. “It’s a delivery man,” she shouted to Rene. “Oh,” Rene said. She was glad that it was not a guest. Tanya walked back into the room with purple roses. “And they're for you,” Tanya said as she handed them to her. Before Rene could even respond, there was another knock on the door. Tanya rushed back to the door and came back with more roses. Rene walked to the trash and dropped them in. “What?” Tanya asked. “They're from Joshua.
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