Ball players fight out rivalries even in their charities. Cas glanced grandly down on the Dude, and then passed to Havil. "The pot 's opened for five," he said to Havil. Next to shooting shot, Havil liked best a game of poker. In a flash he had contributed to the growing fund. " I 'm in, and it costs two more to play," he replied. "Hicks, come on." " Cas, I'm broke, an' Mac won't give me a cent till Saturday night," answered Hicks. " Borrow, then," rejoined Cas, curtly. He threw his roll of bills into the catcher's lap. Chase and several of the other players were ready for Cas, and so escaped calumny. Enoch mildly expostulated. " I 'm gettin' tired of bein' buncoed this way," he remarked. "Produce. Ain't you the captain? Don't you draw the biggest salary? Produce," went on the inexorable Cas. " But, Cas, you're always helpin' some beggar or other." " Wha-at ! " demanded Cas hotly. "It was only last week you touched the team for a nigger hobo. Produce!" Enoch meekly produced. " Wha 's the matter?