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Read The Soldier's Lady (2000)

The Soldier's Lady (2000)

Online Book

3.32 of 5 Votes: 6
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The Soldier's Lady (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

Synopsis:Caleb McNamara took one look at the golden hair beauty and fell like a ton of bricks. As a captain in the army he knew how to live hard and play harder. He’s never found a woman who could keep him locked down for long, but something tells him he might’ve met his match.Melissa Jackson knew she wasn’t society’s picture of sexy beauty. She saw her healthy size as a detriment; at least that’s what she’d always told herself. So how was she to believe that the movie star gorgeous captain with the amazing tattooed body was really interested in her? It had to be some joke between him and his army buddies. She soon learns differently when Caleb pulls out all the stops to win her heart. My review:I know for a fact that many people will find Jordan Silver's books objectionable. I love them. I love her gruff uber alpha male men and the women they fall for. The language is always strong and the scenes are sometimes risque, but that is what makes the story so appealing.So be warned strong language as well as strong men. But well worth the read Ok so this more like a 4 Stars story to me, but you know what? I just gave it 5 !!! Gave it the highest rating not necessarily for the story as a whole but for the good parts! This is not an epic story, I know that, but it deserves this high rating for the important lesson about weight problems!● I like the fact that this story approaches those 'i am fat' problems women have. It's all about loving yourself and accepting your body as it is, no matter what others say and this book teaches us that. We also learn from this story that everyone finds his soulmate no matter how they look. It's all about perceptions and it's about loving yourself and embracing who you are and how you look. If you feel good in your skin then you don't have to care about what other people say, they're not you! ● I also like that the hero loves the heroine for all that she is and he is embracing her curves. I loved the fact that he wanted to help her love herself. (well this hero is more like a dream man I mean he is perfect -and maybe there is a little fantasy here-men like this are kinda rare) Anyway the whole point here is the fact that there is this person who will love you exactly how you are. ● Laughed my ass off with this story!!! =))) Man, the way the hero talked! Loved the inner dialog he had with himself!! Soo friggin' funny! Oh and the connection and the pep talk he had with his 'boy' down there =))) - oh no worries he wasn't one of those weirdos who name their 'boy' oh no, sir, just that he was having these funny inner coversations that cracked me up and made me laugh out loud.As for the story as a whole, the plot is ok and it's about accepting the way you are, a hero who loves his woman, a heroine who learns to love her curves and yeah hot sex and hot alpha male ( a bit possesive for my taste but ok nevertheless). Maybe there were parts I really did not like ( parts that bring rating penalties ) but I just closed my eyes and gave it a 5 for the important problem that this book brings forward ( I know I am repeating myself, but I just think this 'I am fat' problem it's so huge nowadays). I will definitely read more from this author and I'm looking forward for other books like this!

What do You think about The Soldier's Lady (2000)?

Possessive, erotic and seriously steamy!

Pure Jordan Silver !


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