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Read The Somali Deception Episode IV (A Cameron Kincaid Serial)

The Somali Deception Episode IV (A Cameron Kincaid Serial)

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Holt Smith Ltd

The Somali Deception Episode IV (A Cameron Kincaid Serial) - Plot & Excerpts

  Your support and respect for the property of this author is appreciated.
  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.  The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
  The Somali Deception EPISODE IV Original Copyright © 2010 by Daniel Arthur Smith Copyright © 2013 by Daniel Arthur Smith All rights reserved Holt Smith ltd   Also for Kindle by Daniel Arthur Smith   The Cameron Kincaid Adventures The Cathari Treasure UK Kindle US Kindle The Somali Deception EPISODE I UK Kindle US Kindle The Somali Deception EPISODE II UK Kindle US Kindle The Somali Deception EPISODE III UK Kindle US Kindle The Somali Deception EPISODE IV UK Kindle US Kindle The Somali Deception THE COMPLETE EDITION UK Kindle US Kindle   The Literary Series The Potter’s Daughter UK Kindle US Kindle Opening Day: A Short Story UK Kindle US Kindle     * * * * *   For Susan, Tristan, & Oliver, as all things are.

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