Period. If a part is built in Poland and shipped into space, it’s going to fit in the socket that was made in China and shipped into space. I’m not going to allow you to create unique ships with no interchangeable parts. I don’t care how big the ship is, or what its mission is. We use standardized parts across the board. That way, in battle, mechanics can repair damaged ships from the same basic pool of supplies and return the ship to combat as soon as possible. KETKAR: In principle I agree with you. But there is room for exceptions in vessels with unique purposes or— UKKO: No. There are no exceptions. We are going to build these ships my way. I’m not going to fund any ships that are built of unique parts that can’t be interchanged with others. And if your design principles don’t accomplish that, then you are out of a job. I will cease working with any admiral who brings me nonsense like these specs. KETKAR: You’re not listening to reason. There are some weapons, for example, that will require an exception.