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Read The Sweetest Kiss: A Billionaire Love Story

The Sweetest Kiss: A Billionaire Love Story

Online Book

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Lakeside Publishing

The Sweetest Kiss: A Billionaire Love Story - Plot & Excerpts

I wasn’t a fool. I knew that. He wasn’t looking to change the tide. Please. Give me a break. The Enquirer had been digging up dirt on the rich and famous for years. It was what sold magazines. People expected to get gossip. To find out the latest goings-on. Who such and such was dating. Who was cheating on their partner. Who was embezzling money or seeing prostitutes on the side. The whole paper was a joke. It’s what they were known for. But I for one wasn’t going to let that cow Stephanie have this. No way. Maybe I was acting a little bitchy but I had really liked Markus, even if he was a jerk. To think that she came in and wrecked our relationship was beyond frustrating.
    He’d told me he would send an itinerary of what he had arranged. I still had all my cameras and well, I gathered Ethan would have other things to do besides hang out with me all day.
    I stepped out into the morning sun and breathed in deeply. Things were beginning to look up.

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