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Read The Tale Of Mr. Jeremy Fisher (2002)

The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher (2002)

Online Book

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0723247765 (ISBN13: 9780723247760)
penguin group

The Tale Of Mr. Jeremy Fisher (2002) - Plot & Excerpts

For my entire life, I have been reading Beatrix Potter's works and I had enjoyed most of the ones I had read! Now, I had picked up an old classic from my childhood, “The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher.” In this tale, Mr. Jeremy Fisher, a distinguished frog, begins having the adventure of a lifetime when he goes out to fish for minnows for his dinner. “The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher” is a delightful tale that every child will enjoy forever!There once lived a frog named Mr. Jeremy Fisher who lived in a little damp house around a pond. One day, Mr. Jeremy Fisher decided to go fishing to catch minnows for his dinner and invite his friends Sir Isaac Newton and Mr. Aldernman Ptolemy Tortoise to dine with him. So Mr. Jeremy Fisher went out to his little boat and tried to capture a minnow, but failed at every try until a large trout came along and...There were many different versions of this cute little tale that I have read, so it was interesting to read the original version of this tale. Beatrix Potter has definitely done an excellent job at both writing and illustrating this wonderful tale of a determined frog's pursuits in catching minnows for his dinner. Beatrix Potter's writing is extremely cute and interesting as Mr. Jeremy Fisher is shown to be an extremely distinguished animal character as he is extremely intelligent as he is always thinking of strategies to catch a minnow for his dinner and he is always determined to catch a minnow no matter how troubling the situation gets. I also loved the creative way that Beatrix Potter uses some name puns on the characters, mainly Mr. Jeremy Fisher's friend Sir Isaac Newton, who is named after the popular figure, Isaac Newton. Beatrix Potter's illustrations are extremely cute and realistic as the backgrounds are magnificently detailed as you can see luscious green pond reeds surrounding Mr. Jeremy Fisher and also the pond water looks extremely beautiful, especially during the scenes where Mr. Jeremy Fisher sails his boat on the water. My favorite images in this book were of Mr. Jeremy Fisher himself as he is brown and small and he clearly looks distinguished with his white coat and black shoes.Parents should know that the scene where Mr. Jeremy Fisher confronts a huge trout might scare smaller children as they might worry for Mr. Jeremy Fisher. However, this scene is extremely brief, so older children might not notice this scene too much. Parents should try to comfort their children about the trout scene and make sure that their children can handle this scene.Overall, “The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher” is a truly memorable book for children who are huge fans of Beatrix Potter's works! I would recommend this book to children ages five and up due to the trout scene.

You know, I've always considered Miss Potter to be a very kind hearted school ma'am. I know that's not true, but her books just have an air of grace and authority to them. They are intelligent, kind and have a stern but loving message for disobedient children. Though it's always for their own good and never that painful.Compared to my other favorite children's authors, Hans Christian Andersen who seems to be the awkward shy kid (yes, I am aware his tales were for adults originally.) Always ready with a scary story or Roald Dahl, the trouble maker, there to whisk you away to his dark, but fun world.Miss Potter seems to be the warm hearted storyteller, watching over them with a smile (and perhaps shaking her head at the more gruesome aspects of the stories.)Miss Potter this time takes her young readers on a tale about a very distinguished and intelligent frog, on a quest to catch some dinner for his equally distinguished friends. It's a cute tale, with an exciting and engaging plot and of course with a lot of heart.The illustrations add to the story appropriately and help keep the little one's attention.The language is well written and intelligent.It's no wonder Miss Potter's stories have lived for this long.

What do You think about The Tale Of Mr. Jeremy Fisher (2002)?

Beatrix Potter's children's stories are wonderful and timeless. The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher is one of her lesser well-known stories of which there are about a dozen. The story is engaging and Mr. Jeremy is an intriguing fellow. Parts of his house are always wet and "he liked getting his feet wet; nobody ever scolded him and he never caught a cold!" Children are always being told not to get their feet wet (sometimes they're told they'll get a cold if they do). This, along with a host of things Mr. Jeremy does that one wouldn't imagine a frog doing, makes him very interesting.

This is one of the few Beatrix Potter stories I do not recall from my childhood. The simplest of adventures can be truly grand when described in such colorful detail. I can see myself sitting with Mr. Jeremy in the rain planning for a great dinner with friends. Moral of this one has to be that even when things don't go exactly according to plan, they can still work out. What a fun story!
—Chrystal Phillips

This has been my favourite Beatrix Potter story for a long long time - which is amusing now seeing that I work with frogs. Which makes you notice different things when you go back and read them later. Unlike most children's authors writing about animals, she managed to anthropomorphise animals while still retaining the point about the animal. Jeremy Fisher may be wearing a mackintosh and galoshes, but he's quite obviously still a frog, and he behaves like one (although he doesn't sing, sadly). That makes me very happy as I reread.Also, of course, the pictures are really beautiful.

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