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Read The Tale Of Samuel Whiskers, Or The Roly-Poly Pudding (2002)

The Tale of Samuel Whiskers, or The Roly-Poly Pudding (2002)

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0723247854 (ISBN13: 9780723247852)

The Tale Of Samuel Whiskers, Or The Roly-Poly Pudding (2002) - Plot & Excerpts

This story is somewhat of a children’s thriller. Tom kitten runs away from his mother so he doesn’t have to be locked away while she is baking. He comes across his worst fear; two merciless rats who wrap him up in dough and prepare for him to be baked. Unsure of what will become of Tom kitten, children will be sitting on the edge of their seats wondering if his mum will rescue him in time or the evil rats will have their wicked way. I remember reading this book as a child and watching the animated adaptations in trepidation. Although some children might find this book too distressing, others will enjoy the anticipation of what happens to Tom kitten. This book would be perfect to read to a young class, perhaps reception or year 1, as a reference point for following instructions for a reason. His mother wanted Tom kitten to do as she asked for his own safety and would be perfect for displaying that for every action there is a consequence, albeit a very drastic one in this case. It is fast paced and very wordy so will be a good book for advanced readers in year 1 and onwards to try and read for themselves.

Sweetest Beatrix Potter that I have read to date. A house of cats with mischievous kittens who all are afraid and pestered by the huge number of rats in the house. Samuel Whiskers is the father rat who lives along with his wife in the same house. Tom Kitten gets into trouble while trying to hide away from his mother and gets into the hands of Samuel Whiskers. Potter tells us the story of how the rats started to spoil the farmers produce and how the cats started hunting for the rats. These arch enemies have always been cute. Ever since my first view of Tom and Jerry!

What do You think about The Tale Of Samuel Whiskers, Or The Roly-Poly Pudding (2002)?

Oh my god, I remember reading this when I was a little kid. My mom bought the VHS for me that had all the stories animated. I can honestly say this one traumatized me. I know it's a book, but it gave me nightmares when I was younger. I seriously thought Tom Kitten was going to meet his death and be baked into a pie by the two rats. FREAKY FREAKY! So disturbing...back in the day this must have done a good job teaching kids not to disobey their parents. The moral is if you don't listen to your parents you will be wrapped in dough and eaten by evil rats that live in your walls.

Ha ha! I would vote Samuel Whiskers as one of fiction's most sinister villains - indeed, I think in a recent poll he may have been Number 1 or 2 alongside Lecter and Moriarty. I'm not being facetious - try it and see what you think. It's basically an abduction story, with serial killer overtones, no?
—Jason Goodwin shows how very unwise it is to go up a chimney in a very old house, where a person does not know his way, and where there are enormous rats.Rats who can ambush a kitten, tie him up, and then roll him in dough for baking! What is this, the Brothers Grimm? This story had such an effect on me as a child, I have, to this day, refused to live in any home that has a chimney. Truth. I also grew up believing rats took snuff."...let us collect our property - and other people's - and depart at once."These are MI6 rodents.Book Season = Year Round

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