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Read The Tale Of The Pie And The Patty-Pan (1987)

The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan (1987)

Online Book

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0723234760 (ISBN13: 9780723234760)

The Tale Of The Pie And The Patty-Pan (1987) - Plot & Excerpts

In this mysterious tale the story of a friendship between a cat and a dog goes wrong when they get together for a party. While the cat enjoys mouse pie, the dog is more interested in ham and veal and claims mouse makes her very ill. However, the dog of course does not want to be rude so he sneaks in his own pie and tries to trick her friend. This does not go well for the dog in the end. The tale is set up like any classic tale loved by many children. What I found interesting was that the relationship between the characters was not fixed in the end, both characters just simply learned the truth on their own and what they may do better next time. However, I did notice that the cats solution to the problem was to not invite a dog to a party in the future which may not be the best example for young readers. The illustrations in the book are done in black and white which again adds to the mood of a Peter Rabbit Tale. The images are sketched which gives it an old fashioned feel as well. I would recommend this book to be read aloud to young children who understand the meanings of the book because the reading level is quite difficult. It is also great for more advanced readers to read on their own. I think the author did a great job with the classic, short and sweet tale of the cat and the dog.

What do You think about The Tale Of The Pie And The Patty-Pan (1987)?

This is not one of the better known Beatrix Potter stories, and I didn't remember much about it from when I was younger, therefore I was pleasantly surprised. The story is characteristically simple, but still fun and engaging, more so than some others by this author. I think Duchess a very amusing character, and the relationship between herself (a dog) and Ribby (a cat) smacks of truth; Potter has done a very good job of translating the tentative friendship between a cat and a dog into her own world of sweet, simple, countryside anthropomorphism. Great fun!
—A.R. Collins

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