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Read The Tale Of Tom Kitten (2002)

The Tale of Tom Kitten (2002)

Online Book

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0723247773 (ISBN13: 9780723247777)

The Tale Of Tom Kitten (2002) - Plot & Excerpts

Does someone remember the movie Despicable Me made by Disney. One fine movie and it had an adorable scene of the 3 girls being read a book by their despicable and conniving (adopted) father. The story that was read to them had three little kittens who were forced to go to bed by their mother. Let me reproduce the little poem here. 3 little kittens loved to play,They had fun in the sun all day,Then their mother came out and say,Time for kittens to go to bed.3 little kittens started to brawl,‘mummy we are not tired at all’Their mother smiled and said with a purr,‘fine, but at least you should brush your fur’.3 little kittens with fur all brushed,Said we can’t sleep, we feel too rushed.The mother replied with voice like silk,‘fine, but at least you should drink your milk.3 little kittens with milk all gone,Rubbed their eyes and started to yawn.‘we can’t sleep, we can’t even try’Then their mother sang a lullaby.‘Good night kittens, close your eyes,Sleep in peace till you rise’‘Though while you sleep we are apart,But your mommy loves you with all her heart’It seemed as if this poem was inspired by this book of potter. The book reminded me of the above scene barring the fact that in the movie more than the kittens I found the girls more adorable. 3 little kittens are all dressed up by their mother to put up a good show before her friends. They got dressed well but started losing their clothes as soon as their mother stopped dressing them. In the end they had to put into bed before the friends arrive because they have lost all the clothes.They are cute, mischievous and adorable. I loved it!

Buku Beatrix Potter kedua yang kubaca setelah The Tale of Benjamin Bunny. Ceritanya lebih seru! Menceritakan kenakalan Thomas--biasa dipanggil Tom--si kucing bersama dua saudarinya, Mittens dan Moppet.Suatu hari, ibu mereka, Bu Tabitha Twitchit akan kedatangan tamu-tamu terhormat. Maka, ibu kucing tersebut mendandani anak-anaknya dengan pakaian bagus. Tom yang semakin gemuk tak muat lagi pakaiannya sampai kancing-kancingnya terlepas, sehingga ibunya harus menjahitnya kembali.Setelah ketiga anak kucing rapi, mereka diminta bermain ke kebun agar tak mengganggu ibunya yang sedang mempersiapkan jamuan. Namun, apa yang terjadi? Karena polah mereka yang pecicilan, tubuh Tom dan dua saudarinya jadi kotor, pakaian mereka pun terlepas.Oh iya, ketika di kebun, mereka bertemu keluarga Jemima Itik--tokoh dalam The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck. Pertemuan itulah yang membuat ceritanya jadi semakin seru. :DTak lama berselang, Bu Tabitha menemukan anak-anaknya yang sudah tak berpakaian dan dekil. Ia kaget, kemudian memarahi mereka. Akhirnya, Bu Tabitha harus mengurung ketiga anaknya di kamar saat tamu-tamu terhormatnya datang, dan terpakasa berbohong anak-anaknya sedang terkena cacar air. Ya, Bu Tabitha merasa malu pada polah ketiga anaknya.Ceritanya memang anak-anak banget. Sederhana tapi seru. Hihihi...

What do You think about The Tale Of Tom Kitten (2002)?

Ahh, another delightful sample of Ms Potter's imagination.This cute tale is about Tabitha, who has invited her friend over for tea. Of course, this means that the rambunctious kittens must behave prim and proper for their guest. But the rebellious kittens have other ideas. After encountering some ducks, they are busted by their Mother. Uh oh!I think I like the TV episode version alot better, as it adds another Potter story to the mix. The tale of Jemima Puddle Duck. Which fit in nicely to the narrative. I found this story perhaps a little too short, but it's still a good little read for young children. The illustrations are fantastic and as always adds to the charm.Another fantastically simple story from a great children's author.

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