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Read The Texan's Bride (1993)

The Texan's Bride (1993)

Online Book

3.68 of 5 Votes: 3
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0553561758 (ISBN13: 9780553561753)
Bantam Fanfare

The Texan's Bride (1993) - Plot & Excerpts

This starts out with a brutal fatal fire and then jumps into the story a few years later (late 1800s) with Branch Kincaid who is trying to redeam his past by pleasing his father and catching his older brother's killer so that he can finally come home. So he is on the chase when he runs into Katie Starr's father's tavern in the middle of nowhere West. There is a really complicated plot of the Regulators and the Modulators mixed in with the murder investigation and the Native American plight with the small pox vaccine, and don't forget that this is a historical Western romance story! Wow! There is a lot going on which makes me stay sharp and into the story which is well written and edited.Katie Starr falls in for Branch Kincaid pretty quickly, but she does not start sexy time with him because there is too much danger involved, with trust issues and not to mention that this is before reliable birth control.This book had too much story. I just felt like they should havr just killed the bad trident fellow right away, or the other three times they had a clear shot, but the back and forth over analysis by the main characters was boring and frustrating. I would have made this a three stars until the last hundred pages which was really too much.342 pages and kindle freebie2 stars More like 2.5 stars.This was well written but I disliked Branch from page one, and throughout the whole book. Kate's character was so much better, she was stubborn and just did what she wanted, I liked her.There were too many things happening, it was a bit exhausting at times, espically if you didn't care much about the characters.I have been wanting to read a western in a long time, I was really dissapointed:(

What do You think about The Texan's Bride (1993)?

Story kept me intrigued and kept me on my toes. Liked this author and would read more of her books.

I was a good read, a bit of mystery. I felt certain sections were drawn out a little too long.

Good read - I didn't want to stop reading until it was done; those are my favorite kinds!!

Wasted my time reading this collection of clichés. Bad plot, worse writing.

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