The Thoroughly Compromised Bride (1991) - Plot & Excerpts
Over tea, they brought each other up to date on the particulars of their lives. It took little time to dispense with the previous six years: they had, after all, written to one another frequently, and conversation soon moved on to more current topics. Chief amongst these were gossip concerning mutual friends, the latest news from London and plans for the winter. Lady Langley, a handsome, formidable-looking matron, finally asked, “Well, and how does Elizabeth do?” Emily replied, “Oh, she does very well. She is the dearest girl!” “Girl? Hardly that! She must have close on six-and-twenty years in her dish by now!” “Well, yes—very nearly.” Shrewdly, her ladyship asked, “Do I detect a note of concern in your voice? Out with it, Emily. What’s troubling you?” “Oh, no, it’s nothing—truly!” Her friend snorted. “Don’t try to flummery me! I know you too well.” And after a hesitation, she asked, “Why hasn’t she married?” Emily sat forward in her chair. “Now, there you have put your finger on the very problem.
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