David Poyer is one of my favorite writers. Dan Lenson is the primary protagonist in this naval series and he is a fascinating, troubled character representing at the same time an ideal, intelligent and highly competent naval officer and an alcoholic, self-doubting man always on the edge of either leaving the Navy or getting killed in heroic action.In the course of this series of novels we readers learn about small naval craft -- frigates and destroyers; naval missile; foreign intrigue; and, in this novel, the intricacies of the executive drug interdiction staff the Secret Service, and the football with the nuclear codes.In a genre of otherwise over-muscled heroes who are smarter and stronger and sexier than everyone else, Dan Lenson is a character we can empathize with a really like and hope he the recognition he so deserves.And, all this is a set of great yarns. I strongly recommend the entire series.