The Tower Of The Watchful Eye: The Legend Of Kairu Book 1 - Plot & Excerpts
I was going to have to disable the main house and Mage Contee before signalling the Evenawks. First, I had to figure out how I was going to have to get rid of my escort. We headed for the Mine which featured a small foreman’s office close to entrance. It was a simple wooden closed off area with a door that could be locked to prevent the Evenawks from messing with anything. The foreman, like everyone else, saw me as a nuisance but let me into his office to study the ledger. Luckily for me, he was too busy to sit around and watch me read books but my escort didn’t seem to mind. I persuaded him to wait on the other side of the door because I was finding it ‘too cramped to read’. With him gone, I quietly searched the office for anything important and found the spare key to the miner’s shackles. I pocketed it and pulled out my book to find that interesting spell again. Rather than what I thought I had remembered, the spell turned out to be an ancient formula to make a mild, colourful explosion used for celebrations.
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