The Traders' War (Merchant Princes Omnibus 2) - Plot & Excerpts
‘Hey, good timing!’ The guard chuckled. Eric flipped it open, ignoring the man. It had been a long day: back home it was about six in the evening, and he still had to fly back. ‘Smith here.’ ‘Boss?’ It was Deirdre, his secretary: ‘I’m aware this is an insecure line, but I thought you might like to know that Mike is back from his sales trip, and he says he’s got a buyer.’ ‘Wow!’ Eric stood bolt-upright. ‘Are you sure? That’s amazing!’ The sense of gloom that had been hanging over him for days lifted. He checked his watch: ‘Listen, I’ll be back in town late tonight – can you get him into the office for an early morning debrief? Around six hundred hours?’ I’ll have to tell Gillian something, he realized. Not just an apology. Take her somewhere nice? ‘I, I don’t think that will be possible,’ Deirdre said, sounding distracted. ‘Why not?’ It came out too sharply: ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you.
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