We had a deck of cards, but none of us had any idea how to play it. Canasta was just a game I remember hearing reference to in some movie I’d recently seen starring that man who looks and sounds like stairs. We were passing cards to each other in an aimless fashion, glancing at them briefly and passing them to someone else. Occasionally one of us would announce they were the winner and the rest of us would give them a polite clap. Vince took frequent delight in accusing Arthur of cheating, which almost started a fight until Rhonda reminded them that it was impossible to cheat on a game nobody understood. I stared at the card in my hand – 11 of napkins – and announced myself the winner. “Looks like your luck is starting to turn around,” said Vince.“It had to happen sooner or later,” I replied.“I hate being dead,” said Belinda’s mother.“I wish I had a lizard,” said Belinda.Belinda loved watching us interact with each other. She felt like our collective child, which was a nice feeling.
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