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Read The War With Grandpa (1984)

The War with Grandpa (1984)

Online Book

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0440492769 (ISBN13: 9780440492764)

The War With Grandpa (1984) - Plot & Excerpts

Peter's Grandpa comes over to live with peter's family and kicks peter out of his room. Peter loves his Grandpa but he likes he's room more. Peter plays tricks on his Grandpa but Grandpa is always one or even 2 steps ahead. I really enjoyed reading, "The War With Grandpa" because they made Jack the grandpa's character look act like Peter's older brother. The author Robert Kim Smith didn't do a good job showing how the characters looked like. He made a great job on describing the setting it made me feel like I was in peter's shoes. I also liked how it was first person, which made the reader see ho angry Peter was when he fell in the traps that Jack made. A thing that entertained me is how jack fought back against peter which made peter even angrier and fight harder but the Jack was such a prankster that he made peter fall for some of his own traps. Another thing that really entertained me is the relationship between Peter and his sister. I think that because Jennifer Peter's sister corrected peter every time he accidentally made a mistake, which made him mad, and then they start fighting. The thing that dazzled me the most in the book is how the author made the book like Peter is writing the story for his 5th grade teacher. A thing I didn't enjoy is the vocabulary it was really simple and made the book seem really cheep compared to other. I disagree with the author about that a kid will fight his grandpa because of a room but I still really enjoyed the fact that they were fighting because it added a lot of action to the book. In conclusion I think that the author made a great comedy/action book with the great Ideas like making peter write the book like a report for his class and adding his troubles with his sister I think anyone that likes funny pranks and little silly kid fights will really enjoy reading this book.

the plot of this book is that peter has to write a story for he chooses to write about when his grandpa come to stay he has his own room on the bottom floor. and his grandpa couldn't stay on the thrid floor so peter had to move to the third evenbefore his grandpa came he was mad at him.all the time peter and his grandpa had a war and grandpa wants to get even. a connection that i have with this book is that if some one took my room and i had to move to the scariest room in the house.i would have done the same thing so i could take back whats mine.i also would have done the same thing that the grandpa did i would get even with peter too. i give this book 4 out of 5 stars because i like the book it is a fav. book of mine. but the bad thing about this book is that peter acts like a baby.just because his grandpa has to move in to his room.i would be mad but i wouldn't cry about it and i wouldn't do that.

What do You think about The War With Grandpa (1984)?

—Rochi Peyrano

This book is about Peter's war with grandpa. Grandma passed away and Peters parents thought they should have grandpa live with their family. Since grandpa is moving in, he needs a room. Peter had to give up his room to grandpa and Peter had to sleep in a different room. Then Peter started a war with Grandpa. Their war is like playing pranks on each other. In the end Peter got back his room and Grandpa made his own little house at the basement.I can connect this to movies or real life situations. If your grandpa takes your room, so sometimes you get mad. This story the grandpa actually plays with Peter normally in real life the grandpa could care less.I would rate this book 4 stars because it was pretty funny, but at times it wouldn't be happening in real life. How the grandpa plays with Peter, I think that won't happen a lot in real life where a grandpa pranks the grandson.

This is the story of Peter Stokes and the year that he declared war against his grandpa. Peter's grandpa is moving from Florida to live with Peter, his sister Jennifer, and his mom and dad. Peter loves his grandpa and he couldn't wait until his grandpa arrived! That is, until he found out that Grandpa would be taking his room! This very special place that is all his! And he is going to be moved up into an ugly, old space in the attic! Peter decides that this calls for war! He types a note, telling his grandpa that he is officially declaring war on him until he gets his room back! Grandpa does not take this note seriously, so Peter has to get serious about making Grandpa believe that this is serious business! The book tells of the many ways Peter and Grandpa "attack" each other! Will Peter get his room back? You won't want to stop reading until someone finally surrenders! I begin the school year reading this realistic fiction to my third graders! They are always taken in by this fun, but loving family story!Elaine
—Elaine Hodnefield

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