She had only just returned home, and was so angry that she could barely form the words to tell him why. Apparently, the Queen had been invited to a ball that evening, and had been delighted to think she was included in a Court occasion at last. She had spent all day preparing, taking care not only with her dress, but also to learn new English phrases that she hoped would impress her hosts. But when she arrived at the Banqueting House, where the dance was to take place, she found it closed. Moreover, there was not a courtier to be found in the entire palace. ‘My first thought was that it was the Lord of Misrule,’ spat Hannah furiously. ‘And a few enquiries revealed that Brodrick has declared White Hall off-limits to anyone who does not want to be doused in green paint tonight. But it was heartless to raise the Queen’s hopes with a gesture of friendship, only to dash them so pitilessly, and I do not think Brodrick is that low.’ Chaloner was inclined to agree.