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Read The Wicked Deeds Of Daniel Mackenzie (2013)

The Wicked Deeds of Daniel Mackenzie (2013)

Online Book

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0425253953 (ISBN13: 9780425253953)
Berkley Sensation

The Wicked Deeds Of Daniel Mackenzie (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

When easygoing Daniel MacKenzie wins a bet, the loser takes him to a little house in the middle of the night to meet a woman who’ll make him forgive the debt. She’s not what you—or he--expects. Rather, she’s a medium, or pretends to be, and she does a fine job of putting on a séance for him and the other men. When the lights go out, Daniel picks up a new sidekick, and discovers that this woman is as keen for machinery as he is. He also discovers—the hard way—that she’s not keen for being tumbled by a stranger. The kiss was nice at first, but then as it became something more, Violet was transported back 14 years to the most awful day of her life, the terror and pain she felt when a brutal stranger took her innocence by force. The next thing she knew, Daniel MacKenzie was on the floor, a pool of blood around his head, and he didn’t seem to be breathing. If there’s one thing Violet knows how to do, it’s run. She dumps the body where it’ll be found quickly while her maid and her mother pack their few things, and off they go. If there’s one thing the MacKenzies know how to do, it’s go after what they want. It doesn’t take long for Daniel to find Vi again, even though she’s in a different country and using a different name. The story takes quite a few neat twists, including a couple I didn’t see coming. It’s a bit too modern for me, but there are kilts, so 4 stars. I absolutely loved this book! I have only read three of Jennifer Ashley's novels, and this one was by far the best. Daniel is a guy character that you can only dream about he is so great. And Violet has so many interesting layers that she never gets boring to read about. These two make the perfect pair, even though it is apparent that they are not perfect people. That fact really made this story believeable. I can't wait to read more from Jennifer Ashley!

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