So good to start a new KA series. This town of Magdelene has the makings of some good stories and I find myself wondering who will be the next characters. Josie is a career woman, PA for a famous photographer. She travels constantly. Her beloved Gran dies and the will reading is unexpected. Jake is a man with more baggage than can be imagined, slightly dubious businesses and a fiercely loving father. Their friendship is fun to read and it's a great story. I never really settled with Josie's nickname but this is a KA tradition, so I breezed past it. That was a not-so-good read. Had many problems-Josie was the first problem for me. Everything about her was inconsistent. She went from a stammering high school act to early-20s girl who can't keep talking (especially during her calls with Henry, where the conversation literally was her talking and talking and hanging up suddenly) to a woman from like medieval age. Seriously, she annoyed me so much. Her usage of "alas" went to the point of hackneyedness along with her calling Jake's kids "young" or "my lovely", seriously Ashley failed in making her a solid character, miserably might I add.Another problem for me was the length of the book. It was a tad too long, with some pages seeming too superfluous to the story IMO Like seriously every chapter was so long, it was a tedious read.Also had a problem with changing POVs. Josie's was 1st POV whereas Jake's was 3rd. This bugged me throughout the book. I wish it was in 3rd POV for both because then I'd have been spared from Josie's annoying thoughts.It's sad because the concept of the whole story was very attractive for me. A better female lead, trimmed down chapters would've done this book justice but sadly it fails simply. It's probably only me who had these problems anyway. Hopefully the 2nd book in the series is about Henry (poor bloke) with a female character with more solid foundation.
What do You think about The Will (2000)?
This book drew me in from start to finish. Think I just might be reading it all over again.
not a bad story. Beginning was too slow for my taste but it got better. I enjoyed it :)
Kristen Ashley is my favorite author. Her words convey such emotion.... 5 stars!