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Read The Winter Long (2014)

The Winter Long (2014)

Online Book

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0756408083 (ISBN13: 9780756408084)

The Winter Long (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Well, just when she thinks she's got it all figured out and nailed down, McGuire throws Toby a few nasty curveballs... Some characters start to lose some of their appeal as they gain power and position; I'll take Conan the rogue over King Conan, or the first few Harry Dresden and Anita Blake books over the most recent ones. But October Daye is still as much fun even after everything she's accomplished in the previous eight volumes. Good stuff! I have a hard time reviewing Seanan McGuire's books, mainly because she is my absolute favorite writer and I have no hope of being remotely objective. SQUEE! Are you not reading these books? Go! Now! Read these books! McGuire is, hands down (in my unhumble opinion), the best writer in urban fantasy, period.The Winter Long is a high point in a series that doesn't have any low points. Plot threads get paid off, big time (no spoilers), and Toby's character arc is just amazing. When I say this book is a game-changer, I MEAN it's a game-changer. You know how some series, when they get to a certain length, you can safely skip a book or two and you don't really miss much? This is not one of those.Some books are all setup, some give you a little payoff. This book is ALL PAYOFF, ALL THE TIME. Talk about rewarding patience, and then some. Highly recommended, along with the rest of the series.

What do You think about The Winter Long (2014)?

I adore Seanan. I adore Toby. That is all.

Loved the ending!!

3.5 stars

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