They had come over a hill and it lay before them, stretching out as far as the eye could see. It was so vast that she couldn’t comprehend it. Her mind was full of questions. How could people bear to get into ships to cross it? Weren’t they afraid when they could no longer see the land? How did they find their way? What happened when they ran out of sea? They were going on a ship; would they lose sight of the land? How long would they be at sea? She kept stretching to look around Henry to catch sight of it again. “Keep still,” he said finally. “You’ll soon have more of the sea than you want.” “You don’t like the sea.” “No. You might as well know, I get seasick. I was ill all the way back from France.” The feel of his body against her changed and she wondered if he was afraid. Then he straightened slightly. “It’s not very far now. When we’re on the ship you can look at it as much as you want.”