The premise is very interesting: a young women decides that her standards for dating are too high (and thusly leading to her overall unhappiness and lack of love). She decides that, for a year, she will abandon all of her ideals and simply say 'yes' to every man (and woman!) who asks her out.The problem with the books premise is, of course, a sort-of catch-22. In one sense, The Year of Yes is empowering to read as a single woman: to see another woman throw caution to the wind for love and happiness. In many ways, the book is essentially a celebration of 'singledom,' a way to let loose and disregard social expectations and simply date. However, the book also drives home precisely the message it tries to initially eschew: one can only be happy when 'paired' with another, in the most socially conservative of ways (monogamous, heterosexual, etc, etc). Of course, the ending is predictable - and the author learns from her experience, grows as a person, finds true love, blah blah blah. By the time I was halfway through, her humor and charm had become stale (I mean really, how many Rilke jokes can you make? How much more can one drum-up their intellectual alienation? ...Puh-leeze), and most of the book read like a circuitous gossip rag.
I'm not sure what made me pick this book up. Like the musical Avenue Q, it is on the surface remarkably funny - chock full of those embarrassing/funny stories that happen to frequently. However, once you look through the veneer of humor Headley's story is both sad and, at times, pathetic. Tired of dating losers and feeling like all of her life is a big "no" Headley decides to start saying "yes" to any man that asks her out (barring a few things like being married or dangerous). She chronicles her dates. Most are awful, many are shocking and a few are sweet and wonderful. I'm not entirely sure this book would bring solace or advice for someone looking for love - perhaps just a reality check on what sort of men are out there and how truly unpredictable people are.
What do You think about The Year Of Yes (2007)?
This was a cute, fast read. Not to be confused with "Yes, Man", which was developed into a movie. This dealt with Headley's year of yes as it relates to dating in New York. Now, if you decide to read this book - please keep in mind that you are reading a work by a woman that loves witty wording, obtuse historical cross cultural references and attended NYU. So, if you don't like Gilmore Girls meets pretentious wittiness on a New York level - take a shot of Jack D before you sit down and start turning pages.However, once you get into it, you'll be rewarded with a great concept, interesting characters, sexual and sensual escapades and touching honesty.
This book was definitely the smartest book I have ever read. By that I mean that the language was very intelligent. But, sometimes it drove me crazy with all the references to books, plays, movies, etc.Before I read the book, I read about the author in the back cover. So, I knew already that Maria would eventually get married to a playwright who had children. Immediately after I read that, I wished I hadn't. I thought I just gave the whole story away to myself. I didn't.It was a very interesting
I so wanted to like this book. The concept is great and the author is a undoubtedly a great talent. However, she's also so freakin' in love with her giant literary brain and apparently hotness that I had a hard time liking her. That's a problem when you're reading a memoir. there were times when I laughed out loud but more often I was groaning inwardly at her meek tries to be charmingly self-depreciating. Self-depreciation only works when you actually think it's kinda true. Her attempts read like they were inserted as an after thought when her agent read it and said "you're coming across too self-obsessed. Can you bring it down a notch?"