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Read The Yummy Mummy (2007)

The Yummy Mummy (2007)

Online Book

3.57 of 5 Votes: 6
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1401302319 (ISBN13: 9781401302313)

The Yummy Mummy (2007) - Plot & Excerpts

Very easy to read; does well to explain those little differences of culture [it's set in london & though I was raised in Turkey, I have lived about 2.5x that in the states:]The wording flows well and allows the reader to know precisely what the main character is thinking, even if you don't know all the intreges of everyone else and the ploys against her. I would like to stress those of you that can't stand "emotional train-wreched ppl" or "those women that don't believe in themselves" don't write the book off - she finds herself, her strength, and prospers.This is a mature coming out story of a woman who lost herself. We all sooner or later do so - I had to after a long term relationship, especially after the depression. To me this story is very relatable even though I don't have a child. My mother lost herself after being defined a mother - she never regreted having me, but after 28 yrs, she's trying to find herself again and isn't sure how. The main character, Amy, is doing this much sooner - this story is about her, the different paths she sheepishly follows because she's told to and those she leads down - to find herself.I read this book in two days and if you want something other than a teenie bopper coming out story ... a happy ending, a realistic tale, a reminder that moping solves nothing, and just that there are other people like you who have more than a bad day - week - month - and it seems one thing after another is piling up against you BUT you can make it through ... go for it!

Libro letto in un baleno grazie alla scrittura scorrevole e alla semplicità della trama (diciamo che non bisogna fare un grosso sforzo per seguirla). Non avevo aspettative per questo libro, ma sono rimasta lo stesso delusa. La protagonista è Amy, una poco-più-che-trentenne con una bellissima e adorata bimba di sei mesi. La gravidanza di Amy è stata inaspettata, ma il suo compagno ne è rimasto così felice da inghiottire l'orgoglio e trasferirsi armi e bagagli nell'appartamento della sua ragazza. Ora sono passati sei mesi dalla nascita della piccola e il bilancio è questo: Amy è sovrappeso, sta perdendo i capelli, ha diversi danni estetici provocati dalla gravidanza e dal parto, passa giorni e giorni senza pettinarsi e sono mesi che indossa solo tute. Ah, e sono mesi e mesi che non fa sesso con il suo compagno, e all'ottavo mese di gravidanza ha scoperto quella che aveva tutta l'aria di essere una tresca, ma non ha avuto il coraggio di chiarire con il compagno per paura di rimanere sola. Come dire? a parte la ridicolaggine di estremi che si sprecano, l'autrice svolge una trama drammatica in uno stile superficiale, ottenendo il peggio di entrambe. Il libro non ha verve, non è umoristico, solo ridicolo, e le parti drammatiche non sono sviluppate bene ma nemmeno sdrammatizzate. Non buono.

What do You think about The Yummy Mummy (2007)?

Its hard to review this book.I started off quite liking it but got bored very quickly and then found it hard work to continue.Once I was half way in I found I didn't particuarly care what happened to the characters. I've had 3 children and found it very hard to relate to or even like any of the new Mums in the story. I certainly wouldn't have been friends with any of them.That said, I have finished the book, mainly because I don't like not to. I still didn't enjoy it.In summary, its not too bad, it is readable but it just didn't grab me or hold my attention.

This was a good book, it had humour and it had something that everyone can relate to, whether it being a new mum or not being happy with your image or lifestyle and wanting to change who you are. My favourite character was Nicola, as she seemed really grounded and caring but very assertive when it was needed. This is my third book read my Polly Williams, and it won't be my last. The only negatives I found in the book was that - it was slightly predictable and some of the story wasn't needed. I will definitely read more books from Polly Williams. And this did have something I like in books, which is reading about women becoming mums or being a mum.

This book was good in the sense that it really did accurately portray those early months after having your first baby--you know, the lack of sleep, the worry, the battle to reclaim yourself and your figure, etc. But I found myself annoyed by the main character, Amy, and her refusal to address the niggling doubts about her live-in boyfriend and his commitment to her, i.e., was he cheating? Add a meddling "friend," a simpering yoga instructor and a few other equally unlikeable secondary characters and you've got a story that's just so-so, with a predictable ending.

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