The Zero Trilogy (Book 3): End Of Day - Plot & Excerpts
People flowed in and out of the entrance, hauling goods. She could smell the food from within the building. It was rich and enticing. Let’s go inside! Bravo jumped up and wagged his tail. Come on! Elle swallowed a nervous lump in her throat. “Okay,” she whispered. “Let’s do it.” She walked over the threshold and took a deep breath. The interior of the building was simple. Four walls, shelves and piles of goods. There were boxes of jeans and button-up shirts, crates of boots and tennis shoes. There were shelves of canned goods and cabinets filled to the bursting point with first-aid supplies like bandages, gauze and rubbing alcohol. People stood in a long line, their arms full of items to trade with. Some of them gave Elle and Bravo long, suspicious glares as they walked by, but most were too preoccupied with the task of bartering to notice their presence. Elle ran her hand over the jeans, feeling the rough, new material on her calloused fingers. It would be so nice to have new clothes!
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