He swerved in and out of traffic, hands squeezing the steering wheel. Son of a bitch knew he had been followed. Why does an uppity college professor need a security gate, and how can he afford to live in a mansion on the side of a mountain? He found himself more interested in learning about Mr. Howard than finding the girl. Reaching across the front seat, he snapped open the locks on his briefcase and reached inside. He brought Stephanie’s panties to his mouth and licked the crotch. For a moment, he imagined he could actually taste her. He let out a breath and tossed the panties aside. Nothing, it seemed, would clear his mind of the mysterious Mr. Howard. How did he know about the Johnny Depp poster on the ceiling in her bedroom? And he nailed David Rice’s car. I don’t think that little prick has anything to do with Stephanie’s disappearance, but I’m covering my ass just the same. I’ll set up another interview with David right away. His daddy can bring a lawyer along for all I care.