Theirs Not To Reason Why 5: Damnation - Plot & Excerpts
What kind of a question is . . . ? No, of course I understand very well what you saw in all that footage from Sallha—you were on my ship, meioa. I know what you had access to. Yes, I understand that you finally realize I have been seeing those corpses ever since I was fifteen, and that you’ve realized I made the decision that I would have to aim at ending all of their lives, for all that I tried to find a way out of it. But you have to ask me how I stay sane? How do you people stay sane? When you walk down a street in your hometown or city, or along a corridor on whatever station you visit, how do you stay sane when you see a fellow sentient being who is homeless and hungry, and in need of sanitation and fresh clothes, food and a warm bed, things that you get to enjoy? How do you stay sane when you hear about your neighbor having lost their job, and they’re mired in debt, unable to pay their bills, when you have plenty to spare?
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