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Read Then You Hide

Then You Hide

Online Book

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Simon & Schuster

Then You Hide - Plot & Excerpts

TRIPLETS? FOR the second time in one day—hell, in one hour—Vanessa was dumbfounded. “Nobody even had triplets thirty years ago, did they?”
    He laughed softly. “They had them, it was just a surprise on delivery day.”
    “How could I not know this?” After all the research she and her father had done, it didn’t seem possible that a fact as monumental as there are two sisters slipped by some of the best adoption investigators Daddy’s money could buy.
    “Very few people do know about this,” he said.
    “No shit, Sherlock. Where are we going?”
    “You look like you’re going to faint,” Wade said as he ushered her to the same patio restaurant where she’d been less than two hours ago.
    “I don’t faint,” she shot back. “It’s a thousand degrees out, and you shocked me, and I—I’m reacting.”

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