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Read Third Year At Malory Towers (2006)

Third Year at Malory Towers (2006)

Online Book

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1405224053 (ISBN13: 9781405224055)
egmont books (uk)

Third Year At Malory Towers (2006) - Plot & Excerpts

Nah, pada buku ketiga ini. Pelajaran apa lagi ya yang saya dapatkan?Pada buku ini muncul tokoh yang bernama Zeralda, anak yang lama tinggal di Amerika. Jadi, Zarelda berbeda dengan Darrel yang merupakan anak yang tingga dan bersekolah di Inggris. Anak-anak seperti Darrel masihlah bersikap sesuai dengan umurnya, mereka tidak berdandan, senang berolahraga, dan mengikuti banyak aktivitas untuk menemukan minat dan bakat mereka. Zarelda berbeda, ia tampil sangat dewasa, namun ternyata tidak pintar dalam hal akademis. Ia harus turun satu tingkat kelas hingga akhirnya sekelas dengan Darrel dan kawan-kawan. Nah Zeralda selalu merasa bahwa dirinya akan menjadi artis, pandai bermain drama, dan merendahkan teman-teman Darrel yang lain. Namun demikian, ternyata permainan drama Zeralda sangat jelek. Guru-guru di Malory Towers pun tidak suka dengan Zeralda yang tampil tidak seperti anak-anak. Zeralda diminta menghapus make-up nya, mengepang rambutnya, dan menjadi anak-anak sesuai dengan usianya. Pelajaran yang menarik untuk saya, mengingatkan bahwa anak-anak sebaiknya tetap menjadi anak-anak dengan kepolosannya yang segalanya. Akan lebih menyenangkan kalau anak-anak mendewasa sesuai dengan waktunya.

Darrel sudah duduk di bangku kelas tiga. Seperti biasa ia masih sekelas dengan Sally, Alicia, Mary-Lou dan Gwendoline. Dalam buku ketiga ini seperti biasa ada tokoh baru seperti Zerelda, seorang gadis Amerika yang masuk sebagai anak baru di Malory Towers. Zerelda akan duduk di kelas 4. Ia merupakan gadis yang sebenarnya baik dan bukan jenis manusia pedendam, namun sayangnya Zerelda terlalu tergila-gila dengan bintang film pujaannya. Ia meniru habis-habisan penampilan sang bintang film secara fisik sehingga membuatnya terlihat jauh lebih tua dari usianya sendiri.Dalam buku ini juga ada Bill yang juga tergila-gila pada kuda. Hal ini membuatnya sulit berkonsentrasi dalam pelajaran. Terlebih ketika kuda kesayangannya jatuh sakit, ia menjadi sulit diatur dan senang berbohong demi menjenguk kuda kesayangannya.Apapun suka dan duka yang terjadi di Malory Towers tahun ketiga ini, Darrel tetap mampu melaluinya dengan baik. Bahka ia pun sekali lagi mampu mengulurkan tangannya untuk menolong teman-teman sekelasnya yang berada dalam masalah.

What do You think about Third Year At Malory Towers (2006)?

Darrell's proficiency at lacrosse is one of the big things in this book. I've never played it, but it always seemed pretty terrifying so I was rather glad of that. I mean, a hard ball, being thrown all over the place by people running around? At least in cricket and rounders you've got some hope of following where the thing is and in hockey your heads in no, well little, danger. This has of course nothing to do with the dyspraxia that would have made me absolutely rubbish at it anyway. However, her desire to get into the team, and do well for the school, is another thing that I wish I could see a little more often in my own place of work. Oh, I'm sure there are students who are loyal to the school but it is far from the done thing to admit it these days ... Gosh, don't I sound like an old granny saying 'It weren't like that in my day?' Well actually, it was, and that sense of everyone being on the same side was one of the things that made me want to go to such a school when I rabidly read these as a youngster.

The girls return for another term to find several new girls in their form. There is Zerelda, the American girl with her 'wunnerful' ways; Bill, short for Wilhelmina, who is mad on horses; and Mavis, who has a remarkable voice and is sure she is going to be an opera singer. There are some hair-raising incidents as the new girls settle down for an enjoyable and evenful term at Malory Towers.I read Enid Blyton's Malory Towers series from start to finish as a little girl of seven-nine years of age. I remember how much I loved them and I know that I devoured the series within a week or two.However, more than ten years later, I am less enthralled with them, though I can still see the attraction they have for young girls. I must say, however, that they make for a simple, quick and easy read inbetween larger young adult books so that you can have a nice comfort read.Though I did not really enjoy the book as much as I would have done if I were younger, the characters still had the same pull as they did before. I still find certain girls within the books enjoyable to read about and their antics made me laugh, even if they did seem a little juvenile for the age they are supposed to be.

Mais um ano cheio de peripécias, ou antes um livro, já que cada ano é resumido a um período/livro apenas.Achei uma boa história, com mais algumas personagens novas, que trouxeram os seus problemas e personalidades atrás. A par destas vemos outras a alcançar novos objectivos, a relacionarem-se de forma diferente, a evoluírem, o que é esperado.Só não gostei muito (e daí dar apenas 3 estrelas e não 4 ao livro) da forma repentina como certas alunas mudaram de atitude/perceberam que estavam erradas. Quer dizer é algo compreensível tendo em conta a idade das personagens e para quem estes livros se destinam, mas ainda assim, não me via a mudar tão rapidamente de opinião com aquela idade!Enfim, é um bom livro e uma boa leitura para os juvenis, e principalmente uma boa forma de transmitir bons princípios - é algo que se nota muito nesta colecção.
—Sara Gonçalves

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