He is a great novelist, but I am very much disappointed in this "Vision for America." Although he makes some profound points about our problems, his "solutions" are no more than statements about what he things should ideally happen. Moreover, he takes a generally liberal approach while admittedly not knowing exactly how these ideas will work. Toward the end, he reveals that this book was inspired in response to the "Republican Revolution." In fairness, James Michener has seen a lot of history and experienced as many cultures as just about anyone. So he has a right to comment on the topic. He does adequately refute anyone who calls him "un-American" because of his agenda. And I do see validity in his points about the impending malaise of our economic status in the international market, as well as the strong probability of major racial upheaval in the next century. However, the other policies he advocates seem to lack a basis in logic. Universal health care is in principle a good thing, but I do not believe an unfounded criticism against he profit-seeking health care industry is the answer. His advocacy of gun control is based on commonly misused statistics and unrepresentative of the founding principles Michener understands well. He does make a powerful argument for the value of the social safety net, but against a stark picture of an ever-growing welfare culture, a something-must-be-done-and-surely-some-economists-can-do-it attitude is inadequate for the task at hand. Michener sees a noble land and no one portrays it better than he does. While he did affect my thinking in some areas, he does not have the answers.